October FLAME meeting

October FLAME will meet on Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at 7:00 pm at Faith Community Church to discuss “Power, Love, and Self-Control.”

FLAME women’s ministry invites women of all ages to come and enjoy an evening of connection and experiencing God’s grace.  Amy Halsey will share lesson she has learned about self control and perseverance while running long distances.  Carissa Konrad will be sharing from her experiences as a health coach on how to stick to a life change for the long term.

We can make change in those areas that are hard to control: food, money, tongue, time, emotions,etc.  Let’s encourage one another toward God’s grace and power and away from guilt, shame and condemnation.  God’s grace is sufficient.

Great opportunity to bring someone that need to believe that change is possible and that God’s grace and power are enough to bring to victory.

Feel free to park in the north parking lot and enter through the north door.