About Us


Our Mission

To enhance and promote economic vitality and a strong sense of community for existing and future businesses in Holt County, Nebraska.

Holt County Economic Development’s (HCED) beginnings are a product and example of the entrepreneurial community-building spirit that unites Holt County’s cities, villages, townships, and rural citizens. In the early 2000’s, several leaders across the county embraced an opportunity to participate in HomeTown Competitiveness, a community development initiative that focuses on leveraging existing community assets. The relationships formed through this inaugural county-wide leadership program led to an uncommon meeting among community leaders. These meetings started the building blocks for Holt County Economic Development and established an inter-local agreement between the communities of Holt County, Nebraska.

Since 2007, HCED has been at the center of activities bringing new and expanded businesses, new jobs, and new households to Holt County.


Shelby Regan
Executive Director

Mike Peterson
Project Manager

Linda Green
Administrative Assistant

Board of Directors

Jim Brennan, Atkinson

Amanda Sindelar, Atkinson

Wayne Green, Chambers

Brant Pavel, Chambers

Christine Troshynski, Emmet

Sharon Swails, Ewing

James Ramold, Ewing

Bill Tielke, Holt County

Scott Poese, Holt County

Nicole Campbell, Inman

Scott Menish, O’Neill

Sarah Sidak, O’Neill

Cora Calkins, Page

Mark Stracke, Stuart

Amanda Paxton, Stuart