Community Overview
Located in the Elkhorn River Valley of the southeast corner of Holt County, Inman is a village of 129 citizens. Named after the pioneer settler W. H. Inman.
In 1881 the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railroad was being extended up the valley. A station was needed nine miles northwest of Ewing. When it was established, it was given the name “Inman.” The 300 mile-long Elkhorn River Valley became a primary route used by pioneers as they pushed through the northeastern part of Nebraska.

Commercial Services
There is a weekly county paper, The Holt County Independent, printed in O’Neill. The Norfolk Daily News and Omaha World Herald are available through the mail. Dish Network and Direct TV are available in Inman. There is a Methodist Church in Inman and many Protestant and Catholic Churches within a short distance of Inman. There are 5 motels and 4 banks in O’Neill.
Type of newspaper in city: Weekly
Local radio station(s): 3
Number of protestant churches: 6
Chamber of Commerce: Yes
Health Facilities
Avera St. Anthony’s Hospital, a 25-bed facility with 19 outpatient clinics and up-to-date services is located in O’Neill, 8 miles away. There are 2 medical clinics in O’Neill with 5 Medical Doctors and PA’s. There are 5 Dentists, 3 Optometrists, and 3 Veterinarians in O’Neill. The Golden Living Center, an 88-bed nursing home, The Evergreen, a 33-unit Assisted Living, and Valley Hope, a 75-bed rehabilitation treatment center is located in O’Neill.
Largest Employers
Rank | Business Name | Service Sector | Product / Service | Number Employed | Unions |
1 | Avera St. Anthony's Hospital | Health Services | Hospital | 280 | No |
2 | O'Neill Public Schools | Education | School | 125 | Yes |
3 | Holt County | Government | Government | 100 | No |
4 | Elkhorn River Farms | Other Services | Potato Plant | 100 | No |
5 | Golden Living Center | Education & Health Services | Nursing Home | 73 | No |
6 | O'Neill Ventures | Other Services | Tomato & Vegetable Plant | 60 | |
7 | Valley Hope | Health Services | Rehabilitation & Treatment Center | 44 | No |
8 | City of O'Neill | Government | City Offices | 31 | No |
9 | Saint Mary's School | Education | School | 30 | Yes |
10 | Shopko Hometown | Retail | Variety Store & Pharmacy | 29 | No |
Municipal Services
Type of Government | Village Board |
Comprehensive City Plan | No |
City Manager | No |
City Engineer | No |
County Zoning Ordinance in Effect | Yes |
Garbage Service Provider | Private |
Public Library in City | No |
Number Volunteer Fire Department Personnel | 40 |
Number Full-Time Police Officers | 7 |
Fire Insurance Class | Inside City: 4, Outside City: 7 |
The Gratton Township Library in O’Neill, 8 miles away, contains 37,574 volumes and has an average annual circulation of 101,919. The library is part of the Nebraska Interlibrary Book Loan program. Books and records for the blind are also provided. Internet accessible public computers are available along with Hotspot Wi-Fi. Inman is covered by the O’Neill Fire Department, 8 miles away. They have well trained volunteer firemen and up to date equipment. The Police Department is also located in O’Neill. They have 5 patrol units fully equipped. The Holt County Sheriff Department is located in O’Neill. They have 5 fulltime officers and 1 part-time officer. They have 5 patrol units to cover Holt County.
General Population Stats
Area | Projected Population 2028 | Population 2023 | Census Year: 2020 | % Change |
Inman | 110 | 112 | 129 | -1.3% |
Holt County | 9,903 | 10,022 | 10,403 | -1.1% |
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Estimates, July 2014 |
County Age Distribution
Age | 0-19 | 20-34 | 35-44 | 45-64 | 65+ | Total | % Split |
Male | 1,163 | 759 | 506 | 1.467 | 1,163 | 5,058 | 50.5 % |
Female | 1,092 | 695 | 447 | 1,440 | 1,340 | 4,964 | 49.5 % |
Total | 2,255 | 1,454 | 953 | 2,907 | 2.503 | 10,022 | |
Median Age (2023): 47.7 | |||||||
Source: Esri forecasts for 2023 and 2028. U.S. Census Bureau 2000 and 2010 decennial Census data converted by Esri into 2020 geography. |
Tax Structure
Actual Valuation of City: $1,966,022 (Year 2015)
Real Property Tax Rates ($ per $100 of actual value)
City | County | School | Other | Total Real Property |
$0.308237 | $0.261542 | $0.769999 | $0.169697 | $1.509475 |
Bond Indebtedness
County |
None |
All real property is subject to tax at market value. Agricultural land is valued at 72 percent of its market value. Personal property that is used in a trade or business and is depreciable is subject to tax at its “net book value.” All other personal property is exempt from taxation.
Number & Type of Roads Serving Community
Type of Road | Federal | State | County |
Interstate Highways | |||
Limited Access, Four-Lane Highways | |||
Improved Two-Lane Highways | 1 | 1 |
Nearest Highways
Highway Name | Miles | |
Miles to Nearest Interstate Highway | Interstate 90 | 90 |
Miles to Nearest Four-Lane Highway | US Hwy 275 near Battle Creek | 57 |
Motor Freight Carriers
More than 13,500 licensed motor carriers with worldwide connections are based in Nebraska and serve businesses throughout North America.
Transit Time for Carload or Truckload Lots
Destination | Distance by Highway Miles | Days by Railroad | Days by Motor Freight |
Omaha | 184 | N/A | 1 Day |
Lincoln | 187 | N/A | 1 Day |
Chicago | 644 | N/A | 1-2 Days |
Dallas | 725 | N/A | 2-3 Days |
Denver | 503 | N/A | 1-2 Days |
Kansas City | 368 | N/A | 1-2 Days |
Los Angeles | 1514 | N/A | 2-3 Days |
Minneapolis | 392 | N/A | 1-2 Days |
New York | 1417 | N/A | 3-5 Days |
St. Louis | 618 | N/A | 2-3 Days |

Distance to nearest public airport | 10 minutes |
Elevation | 2,031 feet |
Length of longest runway | 4,400 feet |
Runway lighted | Yes |
Private aircraft storage available | Yes |
Private aircraft maintenance available | Yes |
Distance to nearest commercial air transportation | 123 minutes |
Distance to Nearest International Airport
Name of Airport | Miles to Airport from Community |
Omaha Eppley International | 188 |
Kansas City International | 351 |
Denver International | 459 |
O’Neill Municipal Airport is located 2 miles northwest of O’Neill. The airport has a 4,400 foot lighted and paved runway and a 3,030 foot paved runway. Facilities include 100 low lead fuel, beacon, VOR, overnight hangar storage, overnight lodging, next day air freight, wind sock, wind tee, major and minor repair, tie down, terminal, and automated weather service. Twenty-one private planes are hangared there; none are available for charter.
State electric power deregulated? | No |
Wholesale Supplier | Nebraska Public Power District |
Electric System Operator
Nebraska Public Power District
Phone: Economic Development – (800) 282-6773 or 24-Hours – (877) 275-6773
Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD), the state’s largest electric utility, has a diverse mix of generation, including nuclear, coal, hydro, gas and oil, and wind. NPPD delivers power to approximately 1 million Nebraskans and has ample capacity to meet the needs of new loads. Nebraska’s electric costs are among the lowest in the nation. NPPD’s professional Economic Development Team is available to assist with expansion and retention of existing business and new business locations. Contact the Economic Development Team by emailing or by calling (800) 282-6773. Further information can be found online at Utility information can be found at
Additional Comments:
Inman is provided electric service by NPPD’s 34.5 kV substation with two incoming feeds at 34.5 kV and two outgoing feeds at a voltage of 7.2 kV. A 5 MV transformer supplies the community. These substations are tied into the statewide grid system.
Natural Gas
Natural Gas Service Available | Yes |
Supplier in Community | Black Hills Energy |
Municipal water systems are not available in Inman. Individual wells provide water to residents.
Sanitation / Waste Water
Name of Provider | City of Inman |
Sewer Connection Fee | No |
Inman has a municipal lagoon system with two cells. The system is designed to serve a population of 300. One of the two lift pumps, replaced in 2009, was funded by sewer revenues.
Name of Local Service Provider | K & M Telephone |
K & M Telephone provides telecommunications services for the village of Inman with a digital central office in Chambers. DMS 10 switching is available along with DSL. Extended area service is available to Chambers and O’Neill.