Festivals & Events

Whether we are celebrating the rich heritage at area town festivals or taking part in the Holt County Fair, Holt County always has something going on no matter what time of year it is!


June: Community Wide Garage Sales
July: Quilt Walk and Christmas in July
August: Atkinson Hay Days and Rodeo
November: Christmas Parade


July: Cruise Night & Burger Bash
July: 4th of July Celebration
August: Holt County Fair


May: Ewing Summer Funfest
June: City-Wide Garage Sales
July: 4th of July Freedom Celebration


March: St. Patrick’s Day Celebration
June: KBRX City Wide Garage Sales
July: 4th of July Fireworks Display
July: O’Neill Summerfest Celebration and Rodeo


August: Page Community Days


July: 4th of July Celebration and Rodeo